4 Top Reasons Your Web Site Needs Social Sharing Tools
According to a recent consumer research study published by the Sociable Labs, social sharing is a mainstream shopping activity for discovering what products to buy. 62% of the 1088 online shoppers surveyed under the study had read product-related comments from their friends on Facebook. Results from this and similar studies reinforce the fact that social sharing now has a huge impact on the visibility and growth of a brand online. Social sharing tools enable website visitors to share web content that they like with their friends on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other popular social media sites.
Here are 5 top reasons why your website needs social sharing tools:
1. Search engine optimization
Social sharing and activity signals such as Facebook Likes, Twitter Tweets, and Google +1′s are becoming just as important for ranking as traditional back links. Search engines now factor in the popularity of a link on social media sites as an algorithm ranking factor. Social media sharing tools help increase the net traffic flowing to your website. If a lot of traffic is flowing to your website from socially popular sites, chances are that search engines will give more weightage to your website as well.
2. Exponential Viral reach
Many people in your fans' social networks will tend to share their demographics and preferences. Motivated followers share your content with their social connections, who in turn share it with their networks, and so it goes on. This exponentially expanding circle of sharing dramatically expands your brand's viral reach to a targeted customer base.
3. Tangible ROI
Most third party social sharing services provide powerful reports which help you gauge which social sites are most popular with your audience. Your marketing team can analyze and leverage these reports to focus the marketing effort on generating maximum impact in the most popular social sites.
4. Trusted content
We inherently tend to trust our friends' recommendations over online advertisements. Despite the greater space being given to syndicated content on almost all popular social media sites, people will always be more interested in products and services that their friends have liked.
Related link:
How to make your website more social

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