Meetings Mean Business Launches Mobile App for Industry Advocacy
The Meetings Mean Business campaign - a national communications and advocacy platform that showcases the substantial value of meetings, conferences, conventions, incentive travel, trade shows and exhibitions - recently launched an industry-wide mobile app.
“It’s critically important that our industry continues to speak with one voice to communicate the value and benefits of meetings to communities, businesses and the economy,” said David Peckinpaugh, president of Maritz Travel and Co-Chair of Meetings Mean Business.
He added, “The MMB app is another significant tool to ensure that everyone, across the industry, can access important campaign materials at a moment’s notice. The app allows us to always be singing from the same song sheet.”
The app will serve as the on-the-go resource for industry leaders along with meetings and travel professionals.
Features include quick access to collateral materials, data points, editorial content, the latest industry news and other important information.
The app also will serve an additional entry point and engagement tool for industry professionals looking to get involved with the campaign. . You can find the app on both the Apples iTunes Store and the Android Google Play Store.
The MMB campaign officially was launched at during a press conference at the Professional Convention Management Association’s Convening Leaders annual meeting in January in Boston.
Other aspects of the campaign that will be in play include national outreach, an industry toolkit, grassroots marketing, positive media and stakeholder engagement.
To learn more, visit MMB at

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