New Year Will Bring a New Leader as UFI Taps Chris Skeith as Its Next CEO

UFI, The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, is welcoming a new CEO on Jan. 1: Chris Skeith, OBE, who is the current CEO of the Association of Event Organisers (AEO), an association for organizers of trade and consumer events in the UK, which he has led for 10 years. He will assume the UFI helm from Kai Hattendorf, who has served as the organization’s CEO since 2015.
With his extensive events industry leadership experience and excellent business track record, Skeith is uniquely qualified to take on UFI’s CEO role, said UFI President Geoff Dickinson.
Context: UFI directly represents about 50,000 exhibition industry employees globally and works closely with its 72 national and regional associations members. UFI has 878 member organizations in 89 countries and regions around the world. More than 914 events have earned the UFI-approved label, a quality guarantee for visitors and exhibitors alike.
What they are saying: “We interviewed several excellent candidates both from within and outside of UFI, and with Chris, we are convinced that we have selected an excellent leader to continue the development and evolution of UFI as our industry’s globally leading trade body,” Dickinson said. “Chris has been active in UFI for many years, chairing the Associations Committee and serving on UFI’s Executive Committee. In his AEO role, he has worked closely with our present management team, Kai and Adeline, on many issues, from event management to advocacy.”
Back story: Skeith began his career in media auditing at the Audit Bureau of Circulations, where he eventually led the development of its auditing products for the event sector. In 2006, he moved to the Events Industry Alliance (EIA), where he oversaw the merger of the Association of Event Contractors (AEC) and the British Event Catering Association (BECA) to form the Event Supplier & Services Association (ESSA), representing event industry suppliers and service providers. In 2010, he became director of Association of Event Venues (AEV), ESSA’s sister association, where he worked to drive venue engagement through numerous special interest groups before becoming CEO of AEO in 2014. He continues to serve as a director of EIA, which represents the sector to government and regulators.
Fun fact: In the Queen’s Birthday Honours List 2021, Skeith was awarded an Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (OBE) for services to the events industry. Awarded to individuals for their outstanding achievement or service to the community, often with a significant long-term impact, the OBE designation is part of a broader system of honors celebrating excellence across various fields in the UK and beyond, including contributions in arts, sciences, charitable work, and public service.
In his own words: “I look forward to continuing to serve our great industry, now on a global level at UFI,” Skeith said. “I am joining a UFI team that is already setting the global standard on research, advocacy, collaboration, and community excellence, and I will do my very best to build on the great work that has been done in the last decade.”
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