PMMI's Pack Expo Has 1 million-plus Square Foot Showfloor, 1,300 Exhibitors for October Event
Trade association Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Institute has scored more than 1 million square feet of exhibit space and 1,300 exhibitors and their event still is nine months away.
The biannual event for the packaging industry also is expecting 46,000 attendees to the show when its doors open Oct. 28-31 at Chicago’s McCormick Place.
“Reaching this milestone this far out from the show makes a statement about the role PACK EXPO plays in the realm of processing and packaging,” said Charles D. Yuska, president & CEO of show owner/producer PMMI.
He added, “But the truth is, we’re only as good as this year’s experience. Our goal, this year and every year, is to improve the PACK EXPO experience to the point where every attendee can experience the show in a way that’s tailored to his or her needs.”
The show’s customer-centric strategy involves using targeted exhibit areas, marketing and education as ways for attendees to create an experience that meets their needs and leads to a successful show.
“To choose the target markets, we look at a number of factors, including the demographics of attendees,” Yuska said.
He added, “We’re expanding this approach in 2012 with additional markets and targeted show features.”
The 2012 Pack Expo also will be supported by two other associations - the National Confectioners Association, which also sponsors the sold-out Confectionery Pavilion, and The Snack Food Association.
Yet another way Pack Expo is servicing its attendees, is its Pack Expo Connected Communities, which was launched in August last year and is an online networking platform.
To date, four market-specific community sites are active: confectionery, baking & snack, pharmaceutical, and general packaging and processing.
“Pack Expo Connected Communities keep the customer-centric Pack Expo experience going throughout the year,” Yuska said.
He added, “This online gathering site is a platform where you can network and connect with others in your market niche, whether you’re a supplier or an end user.”

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